I thought I would share with you some of my new approach to my body. I will use (my favourite) point form and just tell you the thoughts as they come to me:
- My body knows best. I listen to it's signals and cravings. I eat when hungry and I eat the thing that will most satisfy me (based on the available options).
- No food is banned, bad, limited, avoided (other than gluten of course due to my coeliac disease!)
- Food is not the enemy. Food is a combination of fat, protein and carbs. Food is a combination of flavours and textures. Food gives me pleasure and fuel to do what I need to do each day. Food gives me much needed minerals and vitamins to repair and strengthen my body. Food is not why I am obese. I am.
- I weigh myself when I feel the urge, and if the number is higher than my last WI I ignore it and try again another day. I no longer record weight gains because they are temporary aberrations
- I do not count points, calories, fat etc. But I do have a lot of knowledge from years and years of following WW. That knowledge helps guide my choices.
- I exercise for fun, fitness, my new dog, strength and to clear my mind
- I take time each day to do something purely for stress relief
- I try to remember what an amazing thing my body is. I try to celebrate all the good things. I try to take care of my body so it supports me into the very old age I hope to live to.
This is very different to the approaches I have tried for years. I always felt I needed strong guidelines and 'caps' such as point or calorie limits in order to lose weight. For me that meant ignoring my body (ie hunger and fullness signals) and eating low point/calorie meals to enable enough 'room' in my allowance for treats. I know that many many people are successful counting points or calories, but I needed to change my approach cos for me that was just not working.
I love my new approach... it is kind of the anti diet. It comes so naturally and I am losing weight!
Thanks for reading :)
Touche!! Have you been reading my mind??
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Is this possible?
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