
"You can have the results you say you want, or you can have all the reasons in the world why you can’t have them. But you can’t have both. Reasons or results. You get to choose."

Susan Carlson

Thursday, July 15, 2010

The past year

Last year I was diagnosed with mild ADD.  At the age of 39.  Most people who know me would not think I had ADD.  I am intelligent (I can say that cos Mensa accepted me :p) and learned lots of ways to compensate.  

Having said that, being diagnosed and being on ADD medication has drastically changed me.  On the inside.

My external behaviour has barely changed.

But I now know myself so much better than I ever have.

I always tried to understand myself – I loved self help books and magazines.

For the first time I now feel that I kind of know who I am and how I work.

It’s a nice feeling.

And through this knowledge I have stopped banging my head against the brick wall that was my weight loss efforts.  I know what works for me and I am sticking to that.  It’s slow, but it works for me.

Of course there is still a lot to learn.  I am complicated :p

But it is good to know I am making progress!


Sib said...

Oh Fiona, you remind me so much of me (*_*)

Anonymous said...

I have been diagnosed with ADHD within the last 6 months at the tender age of 47. To be honest, I was relieved. I understand the "why's" of me so much better now, and because of that, I can manage it. In fact, I embrace it. It is the root of my personality. It is what makes me special and unique because I can be so quirky sometimes. The only sad part about it is that I was diagnosed with it at the age of 8, but nothing was done about it.

Anne H said...

Wow -
I am often accused or suspected of being ADD....
but I have the exact opposite behaviour in many ways.
Glad you are getting to the root of it !

Thursday, July 15, 2010

The past year

Last year I was diagnosed with mild ADD.  At the age of 39.  Most people who know me would not think I had ADD.  I am intelligent (I can say that cos Mensa accepted me :p) and learned lots of ways to compensate.  

Having said that, being diagnosed and being on ADD medication has drastically changed me.  On the inside.

My external behaviour has barely changed.

But I now know myself so much better than I ever have.

I always tried to understand myself – I loved self help books and magazines.

For the first time I now feel that I kind of know who I am and how I work.

It’s a nice feeling.

And through this knowledge I have stopped banging my head against the brick wall that was my weight loss efforts.  I know what works for me and I am sticking to that.  It’s slow, but it works for me.

Of course there is still a lot to learn.  I am complicated :p

But it is good to know I am making progress!


Sib said...

Oh Fiona, you remind me so much of me (*_*)

Anonymous said...

I have been diagnosed with ADHD within the last 6 months at the tender age of 47. To be honest, I was relieved. I understand the "why's" of me so much better now, and because of that, I can manage it. In fact, I embrace it. It is the root of my personality. It is what makes me special and unique because I can be so quirky sometimes. The only sad part about it is that I was diagnosed with it at the age of 8, but nothing was done about it.

Anne H said...

Wow -
I am often accused or suspected of being ADD....
but I have the exact opposite behaviour in many ways.
Glad you are getting to the root of it !