When I eat ‘naturally’ (ie not focusing on weight loss) I tend to lose weight.
But confidence plays a big part in that process. I have to not second guess myself. I have to feel good about myself.
In the past exercise has given me confidence, but with my hip that has not been an option.
Confidence for me comes from many sources, but lasting confidence is mostly from doing things I have not done before.
This year I took my first (and second) beginners painting class. I am 40 and for the first time ever I have been described as artistic! I am even starting to think of myself that way. My confidence to try new things has skyrocketed as a result. I knew I would enjoy painting. I did not think I would have skill J
Earlier last year I began a process of improving my ‘style’. It started with accessories. I noticed how ‘put together’ my Mum always looks with a few simple accessories. So I got myself some. And felt better about how I looked.
Then I went to a ‘stylist’ party where I was told 3 of the 4 items I had with me for assessment did not flatter my shape. That was followed by a 1hour shopping trip with the same stylist. I returned most of what I purchased, but I was able to feel comfortable buying skirts and tops to wear for work in winter. I even managed a fairly good outfit to wear to me Dad’s 60th party (again in winter!).
I removed most of the unflattering items from my wardrobe.
But then the weather warmed up! I researched stylists with the idea of shopping with one for my summer wardrobe. I applied for a Trinny and Susannah makeover. I devoured Gok Wan programs.
I didn’t get the T&S makeover.
I spent the stylist money on stuff for the house (like paint!)
So it came down to me.
So I researched more.
I confirmed that I am an apple shape. My measurements say I am ‘straight’ but I am just not!
I found some great sites.
I window shopped and tried on a few bits and pieces.
I reviewed the items in a Gok Wan capsule wardrobe.
I reviewed what I needed for a summer wardrobe and decided on the number and type of clothing I need (shoes and accessories I will do last).
While seeing if a maxi dress plus ‘pull me in’ underwear worked (maxi dress alone = 8 months pregnant) I fell in love with one on special that fit one of my key piece needs. I purchased the first item in my new capsule wardrobe!
Next steps include a careful review of my current wardrobe for anything that fits into my capsule requirements. Everything else will be set aside and hopefully given to charity once I complete my new purchases. And of course the purchase of the rest of the wardrobe.
Skirts, jeans and dresses I am comfortable with knowing the best basic shape(s) for me. Shorts and tops I need more research on. Shorts I have an idea for but need to find and try on some pairs to confirm.
So thanks to the internet, my family and many hours of makeover TV, I think in the next few weeks I will start to have confidence that I am wearing clothes that suit me.
And that confidence I believe will lead to me eating less 'comfort' food.
I am looking forward to that!