
"You can have the results you say you want, or you can have all the reasons in the world why you can’t have them. But you can’t have both. Reasons or results. You get to choose."

Susan Carlson

Sunday, February 28, 2010

Sunday Update

Quick blog cos it is already 11pm and I have to go to work tomorrow.

Food this weekend was fabulous, but not weight loss friendly.
Dolphin swim a bit of a bust as the dolphins did not come out to play!
DH has a new job starting tomorrow.
3 days of blogs is way too much for me to catch up on, so apologies.  I will try to catch up over the next few days.
Exercise also average as hip was really sore after flight and sitting on boat for 3.5hours.

Back to WW and core work tomorrow!

Hope you all had a great weekend!

Friday, February 26, 2010

Laughing at myself

Firstly I am going away this afternoon for the weekend.  Yes it is the weekend I get to swim with dolphins!  I am so excited!

Secondly I have realised how something I already knew about myself applies to my weight loss.

When I do not have a strong opinion, or confidence in an opinion I have, or am unsure about a plan or approach I am easily persuaded.

I am aware of it in other areas of my life.  Most documentaries and news articles can persuade me.  I can nearly always relate to a persons point of view.  In these 'other' areas I am aware of it and try to get more information before forming judgements.

But I realised last night that what is happening with my weight loss approach is that every blog I read with a successful approach different to mine makes me doubt I am doing the right thing.

The fact is that nobody plans to stray from their planned approach.  Some people never do stray.  Some people stray often.  The important thing is to keep coming back on track.

So try to ignore my last few blogs.  And I will try to stick to my plan and not start doubting it.

After all, I may only be in my 8th week this time around, but I am in my 20 year of weight loss attempts and this time I have lost 5% so far. That shows it is working.

I KNOW what works and more importantly I KNOW what works for me.

LOL I should read my own blogs.  I even blogged about it.

So my goal is to stick to my plan.
But if I have a 'learning experience' (or 5) along the way it doesn't stop me getting to my goal of a long, healthy, happy life as a slim and fit version of me.

Sunshine Award

Today I got my first 'blog award'!  Thank you Anne H at CARB TRIPPER!

I would like to pass it on to the following 12 (It was hard to stop at 12 14!) people who bring sunshine into blogging for me (I have no idea if some of these people even read my blog LOL)
Shelley at Shelley Shrinks

Thursday, February 25, 2010

Most Amusing...

Ever since I wrote my blog about successful losers staying on track I have read a NUMBER of blogs by people I consider very successful who have bad days and even weeks!

There you go.

You can succeed without perfection.

There is hope for me after all.


What a difference a day makes (and then I got sidetracked and changed topics)

Let me see... 

  • My tester is not overly upset at going home.  She loves Melbourne but was always aware that she could return to India at any time.
  • My DH has a 'second' interview tomorrow
  • I am back on track
  • My DH was able to get a copy of a gift voucher he misplaced so we can do the lunch without having to pay
  • I had lots of work to do this morning so the day has flown
  • I applied for a job this morning that finished the advertisement with 'leave work each day knowing you have made a difference' which is exactly what I am looking for.
  • My boss talked to me about where I will report and be located after June this year which makes me think I have a job for a little while longer here anyway

It must have been just over a month ago that I was given a link to Sean Anderson's wonderful blog.  Something he wrote about in the past two days has really resonated.
In 525 days he has gone over his allocated calorie allowance twice.  This time was an accident, he misjudged the calorie content of some food.  I assume the first time was too.
Then I read other blogs.  I think back to the books I have read from people who have lost a lot of weight.  There is a common thread.

From what I have read, the majority of people who lose weight and either keep it off or keep losing, have minimal or even NO days off plan.  Because this is LIFE not a diet you go 'on' or 'off'. 

When I got to goal in 1998 I stuck to my WW points allowance every single week from start to goal.
Lisa Delaney author of 'secrets of a former fat girl' is someone who has been at goal for 20 years from memory...  she had a mantra I adopted: It's not optional.

Another common thread is simplicity.  No complex plans or potions.  Simple calorie limits and/or exercise commitments.

In theory I have adopted these philosophies.  I have a simple WW plan to follow.  I have a simple exercise regime I have commited to.  I quote the 'It's not optional' approach.

The reality is I mess with my exercise plan, try to do things I am not allowed by my physio and then I stop everything when I can't do as much as I want.

The reality is I let many things be excuses for eating off plan.

The reality is that if I keep having a day here and 2 days there off plan they will grow to a week here and a month there and before you know it I will be heavier than I started.

The reality is that I need to LIVE my approach, not just blog it.

The reality is that I don't FEEL that commitment right now.

The reality is I can FAKE it until I FEEL it.

The reality is that if I really want to be slim, fit and healthy I NEED to commit to this 110%. 

Simple plan:
Some exercise every day (floor work 3 times per week)

It is NOT optional

If I blog next week, next month, next whenever and use ANY excuse for not following this plan please feel free to refer me back to this blog.

(And believe me the excuses are clamouring already.  They just got told to shut up!)

Wednesday, February 24, 2010


Firstly, an update on yesterdays blog:
Whatever I needed became irrelevant shortly after I wrote that blog.

Secondly, why it became irrelevant:
I am really stressed.

I manage a team of 7 people. 5 of those are employees of an Indian based company who are out here 'temporarily' to work on my team. Some have been here 3+ years, others 12 months.

I love my team, they are a fabulous group. Hard working and fun. I think the 'love' is returned as my DH and my boss tell me that getting gifts from your team on your wedding anniversary is not common.

(FYI: Of the other 2 in my team, 1 is with a different company and the other requested to return to India late last year. He is still part of my team, just working 'off-shore'.)

It is cheaper for the company I work for to have the resources located in India.

So yesterday I was told that to save money I had to send 2 more of my team back to India. I negotiated that down to 1 person, but today I had to decide who it was to be.

Should it be the person whose father passed away 2 months ago who needs his Australian salary to send money home to keep his brothers in school? Should it be the person who just signed a new lease on a house and has a boyfriend over here? Or should it be the one who just moved his wife and 6 month old daughter to Melbourne? Or should the one with no ties be sent back just beacuse he has no ties?

Of course the decision had to be based on the best person work wise. Not based on personal circumstances.

This is the part of being a manager that makes me feel literally ill. I had to choose the one with the lease and the boyfriend. Her company will compensate her for the lease. And I know in the long term her parents will choose her a husband and she never planned 'forever' with her boyfriend. I feel sick, but she had the right mix of skills to be the one to go home. Agghhh!

Thirdly, what happened next:
I fought and argued.  With myself.  For hours.  I purchased a healthy lunch.  I went for a walk.  I called my husband.
Then I ate chocolate, not a huge amount, but it was the mindless, trying not to feel component of the eating that bothered me.
Then I read some of your blogs.  And got tears in my eyes.  You are such an inspiring group!

Fourthly, what I should have done:
Read the blogs BEFORE I ate.

Lastly, what next:
Track what I ate.  Learn.  Hope that it is my lucky week with the lottery and as a back up plan start thinking about how I can better manage these situations... because more of my team will be sent home soon...

PS - added after the first comment was received... the team member will still be a part of my team, just located in India rather than Melbourne...

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Unidentified Need

I feel like I need something.

I am not sure what it is though.

And of course the 'fat me' keeps telling me to eat chocolate because "It satisfied all my needs in the past".

Actually it didn't. It just stopped me working out what those needs were. If you eat enough chocolate for long enough you forget what it was you needed in the first place. The need is replaced by guilt and self loathing. The 'change' that was possibly needed is replaced by a need to get control of your eating.

This time I am determined to work out what it is I need.


Apologies for the self indulgent blog.

And I warn you I think best by writing so there may be more as I try to work this through without turning to chocolate.

Typical Day....

I thought I would jump on the band wagon and post a typical days food and exercise...  given I am only a few weeks into my journey I don't expect it to inspire anyone!!

I am not eating 'clean', vegetarian or anything, but I do try to 'tick' the healthy food options.  This is from Saturday.

(all WW Points values are Australian)
Breakfast (4.5 points):
Go Natural Apricot Bar
(ate at WW, WI is at 8am and I went straight to appointments after)

Lunch (5 points):
Salad with baby spinach, carrot, sweetcorn, cheese, lite ham, lite mayonnaise

Dinner (5 points):
Thai beef mango salad (recipe in earlier blog)

Snacks (6.5 points):
Gelativo (tropical) 1.5 points
White Knight Choc Bar 2.5 points
Curly Wurly 2.5 points

Total 21 points

Serves of:
Fruit: 1/2
Vegetables: 6/5 (makes up for fruit I guess)
Lean Protein: 2/2
Dairy: 3/4
Fluids: 8/8
Healthy oils: 2/2 (supplements taken daily)

Floor work, including:
20 pelvic tilts
14 lying leg lifts (core engaged)
14 prone leg lifts (core engaged)
5 x 30 sec planks
5 x 30 second side planks (each side)
14 bridges
Day 3 week 1 of 200 sit up challenge
Day 3 week 1 of 100 push up challenge
And a couple of other floor exercises I don't know the name of!
I have stopped specific cardio while my hip settles.  Did some walking, but nothing specific.

Monday, February 22, 2010

Blogger and my work PC don't get along.

I can type blogs, but I cannot cut and paste.

I can sometimes type comments, I can sometimes post them issue free.. but mostly either the comment area doesn't open or if it does and I post a comment it then opens 100's of browser windows which I race to try and shut down as using task manager doesn't work.

The issue? I have time at work to read your blogs and write my own that I just don't get at home.

Anyway, that is my complaining done. Nothing I can do about it! I will have to start waiting until I get home to read your blogs and hope that not everyone I follow writes every day!

Tracking well still.

Hoping I will be OK with WW this weekend. We are going away and staying in a hotel so all food will be eaten 'out'. I can stick with my apricot and almond bars for the two breakfasts. The issue I find is because I have coeliac disease and have to eat gluten free I can be limited in options. But I WILL stay on track that weekend. Adelaide is a modern Australian city that I am sure will have lots of healthy gluten free options.

The best bit? I will be swimming with dolphins!! I have wanted to do that for years and I finally am! I researched and chose a company that seems to really care for the welfare of the dolphins and does not 'chase' dolphin pods but instead lets them come to the boat if they want to play. Oddly they are also the only company to give you a refund if you do not get to swim with the dolphins. Oh and I checked - their wetsuits come in all sizes!!!

Anyway, I have read your blogs even if I have not commented.


Sunday, February 21, 2010

What if you go off track?

Again apologies if I am reblogging!  I read something that 'inspires' a blog and I just go for it!
Everyone has different approaches to going off track.
I have gone off track many many times in my WW attempts.  So I have tried to learn what works and doesn't work for me.

Firstly what DOESN'T work for me:
  • Beating myself up
  • Calling myself names
  • Indulging in guilt
  • Trying to 'make up' the indulgence in the following days
All of these tend to make me feel like:
  • I don't deserve to lose weight
  • I am a failure so I may as well give up
  • In my case trying to 'make up' the indulgence has a very specific response:
    • I feel like I am punishing myself
    • I feel 'deprived' at a time I am usually very vulnerable and emotional and need to remind myself just how much food I can enjoy on WW
The end result is usually me staying off track

What DOES work for me:
  • Learning from my detour
    • Why did I go off track?
    • What could I have done differently
      • In the lead up
      • At the time
  • Drawing a line under that day and going back to my allocated points allowance the next day
  • Forgiving myself
  • Reminding myself that
    • I am human
    • I am on a lifelong journey, not a race
    • That 1 bad day out of 7 is much better than 2, 3, 4 etc
    • That before WW I would 'indulge' daily not occasionally

This usually results on me getting right back on track.
What works for you?

Saturday, February 20, 2010

A WW Lesson Put Into Practice

Today at WW we talked about all the steps that take us to our result on the scales.  Planning, shopping, cooking, eating and tracking.

Today I really put that into practice.  Between cooking and eating I decided I was not happy to use so many points on the protein in my dinner (it was a double serve) and so cut half away before I put it on my salad.

The cat is happy as she got 120gm of steak!

I felt really good for 2 reasons:  I now have 3 points 'available' that would have simply made my dinner too filling, and I found a new 'stop' point.

Last night I walked around the supermarket and did not get even a small chocolate treat because I did not trust myself in the chocolate aisle.  That was a good win since I went in to the supermarket having decided I was going to buy lots of chocolate and eat it while DH was at work.
When I got home I ate 3 chocolate biscuits, but I had the points for that indulgence.

Even doing WW and eating within my points I have some issues I think I need to address....

Hoarding points: 
I get stressed if I do not still have points available for a treat all the way until bedtime.  I rarely eat a treat that late, but I like to have the option.  I tend to save a couple of points per day for the first few days of my week and 'keep' those all week as a safety net.  I always eat all my points each week, often on a Friday night I have enough 'hoarded' for a mini feast.
I get stressed if I do not have low point treats in the house to use these points on.
I have tried eating all my points in my 'meals' and cutting out treats, but I don't stick to WW when I try that.

Secret Eating:
Even though I have the points available, I still have a tendency to 'secret eat' my treats.  I still feel guilty for having them.  I know I would not not stick to WW without them, that they are fine to eat within my points, that I make sure I have eaten my fruit, vegetable and protein serves before I have any treats, that there is NO reason for guilt.  But I still eat in secret.  I hide my 2.5 point chocolate that I buy with lunch between my laptop and the keyboard so nobody can see it.  I eat it quickly and with guilt rather than pleasure.

I will work on these things.  The second bothers me more than the first.  But I think they are probably related.

Is it that I am scared my treats will be taken away, that someone will tell me that I can no longer have them, that as long as nobody knows I eat them nobody will say 'no'?  Maybe...  my brain gets funny ideas sometimes.

My Favourite Dinner

The way I work my food is to have a range of options for breakfast, lunch and dinner that I choose from.  I am happy to add new things to my rotation, but I am a creature of habit so tend to stick to the same few.  I know the points values for each, and have them all written in a notebook.  If I have extra points to use I usually just increase the protein component.

I thought I would share one of my all time favourites.  It is 5 points in Australian/UK Weight Watchers.  You can substitute chicken for the beef which tastes fabulous also.

Thai Beef and Mango Salad

POINTS=5 (Australian/UK WW)

makes 1 serve

120gm beef fillet steak
40gm dry pad thai noodles
1/2 cup bean sprouts, trimmed
1/2 cup chinese cabbage, thinly sliced
1 small carrot coarsely grated
1/2 small cucumber cut into straws
1/2 small mango sliced
2 tbs mint, chopped
2 tbs coriander, chopped
1 tbs lime juice
1 tbs fish sauce
3 tsp sweet chilli sauce

1. Heat a non stick frying pan coated with cookin spray to medium high.  Cook steak for 3 minutes on each side or until cooked the way you like it.  Remove from pan and stand for 5 minutes.
2. Cook noodles according to instructions on the packet, then drain
3. Thinly slice steak.  Combine in a bowl with noodles and remaining ingredients.

Your own pace!!

It bothers me when people feel they have to 'justify' the rate of loss they are having because people question them.  I often find myself doing it to.  

So if you are getting 'questions' about your pace here is a couple of things that may help:

The guidelines for maximum 'healthy' weight loss of 1-2lbs (0.5 - 1kg) per week assume that you weigh 200lbs (100kg).  It is based on 0.5 - 1% of your body mass each week.  
It is only a guideline anyway...  but for those amongst us with more or less to love and who get told off about losing 'too fast' or 'too slow' you can maybe explain why it is actually healthy for you to lose faster or slower.

If you are happily taking the journey slowly and enjoying the scenery as you meander to goal then tell them about the tortoise and the hare!
Remind them that this is NOT a race it is a lifestyle.

Basically, if YOU are happy that what you are doing is working and is sustainable then it is NONE of anyone else's business how fast or slow it happens!

Hmmm, seems someone hit a nerve I didn't know I had!  

WI Results

Well in the past 2 weeks I have got rid of 2.3kg (5lbs).

Which brings me to 5% lost and just 100gms short of 5kg lost!

Very happy girl!!!

PS - That also takes me under 90kg (200lb)!

Friday, February 19, 2010

We become what we think we are....

I may be repeating a post here....  Sorry if I am.  I am passionate about this subject!  I can remember typing this but can't find the blog...  it is probably recent and I am just missing it!


We become what we think we are.

Our subconscious minds are very powerful and also very dumb.  They do not know right or wrong, good or bad.  They take what we say and think and bring forward related thoughts and words.  And actions.  Our minds assume what we think and talk about most is what we want most.  Oh and our mind doesn't pay attention to words like 'not'.

I was told once (a long time ago) that our sub conscious mind is like a juke box.  We can choose what to play, but it is all there waiting.  Every single thing we have seen, heard, felt, tasted or smelt. 

As a teenager my sister had anorexia.  I was a healthy 55kg (121lb) teenager.  She was a tiny 35kg (77lb).    I felt FAT.  I really believe that part of the reason I became fat is because I felt fat.

In my 20's I got to goal at WW.  For many reasons I did not stay there and since then I have started WW many times but not stayed with it to get to goal.  Most times when I started I thought about the 'failures'.  Self fulfilling?  I think so.

I can choose which of memories to 'play'.  I can choose the words and thoughts I use.

Thoughts become words
Words become actions
Actions become outcomes

What outcomes are your thoughts driving you towards?

What self talk will you use today?

I choose to remember the confident teenager, the person to who got to WW goal.
I choose to focus on becoming a slim, confident, fit, healthy, sexy woman.

The rest can get dusty in my memory banks :p

The "Right" Approach

I read a great blog today (by Tony @ theantijared) about how he has found what works for him (and it does!) and he is not going to be swayed to do anything different.

I think that he has a very important point.

We all know (or should!) that weight loss is a simple formula of calories consumed less than calories burned.

But the best way to achieve that is a subject of much discussion and billions of dollars!

My belief is that there is no single 'right way' to lose weight.  There are wrong ways for sure!  But there are a number of 'right' ways.

The trick is to work out how you can best lose weight and keep it off long term.

~*~*~*~ please feel free to stop reading here, the rest is mainly for me, about what and why I am doing what I am doing.  It is probably complicated and boring to anyone else!~*~*~*~

For me, I have thought long and hard about what I believe will work for me.  I am sure things will evolve as I go forward, but for now it is working.

  1. how much effort am I willing to put in
    • I need to be realistic.  I work full time and have at least 3 hours travel time each day on top.  I regularly need to work weekends and late nights.  Any plan I make needs to require minimal time and have lots of flexibility.
  2. what am I willing to do long term
    • I am not going to live forever without chocolate and biscuits.  I have coeliac disease and hate putting further restrictions on what I can and can't eat. 
  3. what is important to me
    • To me getting smaller, stronger and fitter are key.  I want to eat the foods I need to be healthy, but I also want to be able to eat out.  I love to socialise.
    • Losing weight fast is not important, being able to stick to a plan long term is.
  4. what motivates me
    • I am driven by achievement based goals.  Sticking to WW is NOT optional, but to start with I told myself just to get past 4 weeks.  I love following training plans like the C25K and the 100 push ups challenge.
  5. what has and has not worked in the past
    • I find I need to be allowed to eat whatever I want with a 'cap'.  I am a fan of capped plans!
    • I need to not 'borrow' from tomorrows food allowance.  That puts me off track immediately.  If I go over my allocation for that day I draw a line under it and start fresh the next.  I do try and 'save' from earlier days to allow for evenings out which works well for me.   I rarely need to draw that line
    • I need to exercise as well as change my eating for both good losses and mental health.
    • I need lots of protein to balance out my blood sugars and stop cravings for sugar a few hours after I eat.
So what does that all mean? 

It's not complicated (I need simple!)

25 WW points per day and 3 lots of core work per week are my only 'rules' right now.

~*~*~*~*~ still reading?  it gets more boring! *~*~*~*~*

I follow WW, but I have allocated an extra 4 points per day to my allowance (25 instead of 21).  This was based on an incorrect assumption actually (that UK WW points calculations were different to Australian), but it is working for me!  I will continue to monitor this, but while I am losing weight and not feeling deprived I am happy.  As my weight loss slows I can reduce points.  As a counter to this, I don't ever eat activity points.  So maybe it evens out anyway.
I eat whatever I want within that points allowance.  I may eat a smaller, low point dinner so I have points left for a chocolate treat afterwards.  I base how many points of healthy food I eat on how badly I want treats.  I am quite happy to eat 3 low point healthy meals and lots of treats one day. The next I may want more 'real' food and less treats and so I adjust accordingly.  I have a book with a number of breakfast, lunch and dinner options at various point levels.
I am trying to do the C25K but am restricted.  So I am working with my physiotherapist on core strengthening.  I can walk, but am meant to keep the distances short.  As per my earlier blog I may switch to a walking plan instead of the C25K.


So that is what is working for me.

Friday already?

Well I have good news and bad news.

I am tracking well and have done 2 out of this weeks 3 core sessions.

But doing C25K last night inflamed my hip.  So I stopped.  And didn't cry.

I am considering a slightly different tactic.  Walking instead of running.

I will see how C25K goes on Sunday, but I have a feeling my hip is not going to magically improve between now and then.  So I might try a walking program instead.  I had one that was to build up to walking 15km.  But at this point 5km walking might be a good starting point while I keep strengthening my hip.

I am quite devasted to be honest.  It thought my hip had been improving but it seems it was simply my inactivity allowing the inflammation to die down.  More core strength needed obviously.  After a few more weeks of solid core work I will go back to the physio to see what else I need to do.

Anyway, enough of my falling apart body (thanks Dad by the way for the dodgy joints!  :p)

WI is tomorrow and I am excited and scared.  What if last weeks 1.4kg loss was just dehydration?  What if it wasn't?  2 weeks ago I weighed 91.8kg.  That week I was bad and scales said 90.4kg.  This week I have been good, but last week may catch up with me!  Scale games!  The fact is this week I have been 100% on plan so regardless of the scales I am happy.  Every week on plan gets me closer to goal.  Every day, meal on plan gets me closer to goal actually!

Today I really want to be at goal so that I can comfortably wear high heels!

Today I am grateful:
  • For my DH
  • That footy season (pre season) starts today (Go Saints!)
  • For my cat who made me laugh so much last night
  • For my Mum who cooked me a lovely low point risotto last night
  • For love, laughter and happiness.

Wednesday, February 17, 2010


These are some photos of me near and at goal back in 1998.  I wonder if it is realistic to want to look like I did 12 years ago (only with better hair and eyebrows and clothes!!)

Calorie Deficit?

I was reading a blog today (apologies as I can't recall whose blog!) and they had been told they were not eating enough to lose weight.  This didn't surprise me, but the number of people commenting who didn't know this could be a problem did surprise me.

I guess I learned the extreme of this process at an early age.  My sister had anorexia nervosa as a teenager and as part of that we learned about her body burning muscle instead of fat and also how her body quickly stored any extra food as fat once she began eating again.

I have heard it called 'putting your body into starvation mode'.

You can google many articles about this process.  But in my non technical speak: if your body thinks you are starving it stores fat and burns muscle in order to keep you alive longer.  It also slows your metabolism right down in order to make the stores it has last.  It's a very fundamental survival mechanism.  And like all our bodies 'mechanisms' some people are more efficient at this than others.

What does that mean when we are trying to lose weight in a 'sensible' way?

Basically that if we don't eat enough to stop our body from thinking it is 'starving' our weight loss might slow, stop or even reverse. 

The 'right' amount of calories can change over your weight loss journey.  If you exercise a lot your 'net' calories may be reduced even if your eating stays the same.  As you build muscle your basal metabolic rate (BMR: how much you burn sitting doing nothing) might increase so you burn more even without exercise.  So what works today and has you losing a lovely weekly number may need adjusting over time.    

And there is that 'balance'.  We all know that eating too much can also slow, stop or reverse your weight loss!  Also that if we do not change anything else as our body 'shrinks' it uses less energy to do most activities.  So this is not a blanket answer for slowing weight loss.

There are many formulas for calculating the optimum energy in requirement for weight loss.  Many tools for measuring calorie burn.  Calculators for estimating your BMR.  But our bodies are not all made to an exact blueprint.  What works for Mary may not work for Joan.  Not for any 'reason' other than they are different.

So if you are not happy with how your weight loss is going, if you are losing less than the recommended 0.5 to 1% per week, don't assume you are eating too much, don't automatically jump on the treadmill for extra 'burn'.  Instead consider increasing your calories.  If you try adding a few hundred calories per day for a trial period (remembering if your body has decided you are starving you may put on a little at first before your body decides it is safe to start letting go of fat) you may be surprised at the result.

Oh and I do put my money where my mouth is when it comes to this - I eat slightly over the recommended WW allowance as I find it speeds up my weight loss.  Being only 6 weeks in this time around I am still working on getting that number right, but I know from past experience that I have a decent metabolism (oh yes, it took a LOT of calories to get to this weight) and my weight loss is very slow on the allocated number of 'points'.

I hope this helps someone who is struggling with slowing weight loss.



Had fun in painting class last night - although I have discovered painting still lives of fruit is NOT my forte! 

On track with WW points.

Did my floor work last night (including the situp and pushup challenges).

I plan to go at lunchtime and get blood test form so I can get them done tomorrow morning. 

Feeling a lot better than yesterday even though I still only managed about 6 hours sleep despite my good intentions.  Getting home at 9:30 and still needing to eat and exercise doesn't really allow for early nights!  Tonight should be easier.

Read some fabulous blogs today.  I can't wait for my loss to get to the point where I inspire others.  I wonder what point that is?  20kg (44lb)?  My goal weight set by WW is just under 30kg (66lb) total loss.  But I may go further once I get there.  I wonder if it has to be 100lb + that you lose to be truly inspiring?  Or is it just coincidence that a lot of my favourite bloggers have lost so much?  Lol, yes I wonder about strange things!

One of the benefits I have found of being diagnosed withh ADD is I feel I can now access and use all the knowledge I have piled into my head over the past 39 years.  It's a good feeling.

All those 'practice' runs finally have a purpose.

I advised someone today to think about the principles by which they want to live their life.  It made me realise that even though I spent time earlier this year determining the principles I wish to live by in my 40's, they are hidden in a blog somewhere and not something I refer to.  I think I will find them and print them out.  I may post them on my blog page too. 

It is fascinating to have strangers reading my blog.  My 'other' blog is on a site I have been a member of for nearly 3 years so everyone knows me really well.  It's good strange.  It makes me think about how I represent myself.

Today I am grateful:
  • For blogs
  • My wonderful husband
  • My happiness
  • Love
  • Weight loss and fitness


Tuesday, February 16, 2010


Totally on track.

Excited about painting class tonight.

But blogged out!

I have not left comments today although I have been reading.  Partially it is a dodgy browser at works that randomly opens hundreds of windows after leaving some comments.  Partially it is just no words.

So just to make the blog long enough to be worth posting, a list of things I am grateful for:
  1. My wonderful DH
  2. My family
  3. Happiness
  4. Love
  5. WW
  6. Blogs
  7. People who read my blog
  8. Weight loss
  9. Increased fitness
  10. Confidence
  11. Our cat who makes me laugh.

Monday, February 15, 2010

Thoughts and feelings

As quickly as it swiched off two weeks ago, my motivation is 100% back on.

My "It's NOT optional" mantra is fully engaged.

My determination to get to goal is red hot.

I am not putting timelines on my weight loss - one of my 'lesson's learned' from previous 'practice runs' - but I can't help but run through scenarios in my head...  if I lose an average 0.5kg per week for the 24 weeks until my 40th birthday I could be at my lowest weight in 12 years...  if I lose 0.5kg per week from now until Christmas I could be just a couple of KG's from a healthy BMI and my WW goal. 

Last night I tore (yes, I was too eager to wait to find scissors!) out a picture and article of a girl who got to goal who is similar to my height and age with a similar body shape from my WW magazine.  She was wearing a stunning hot pink dress.  It is on the notice board in my 'gym' room at home.  Very inspiring.  Imagine if I could look as good as she does!!

I am not sure what flicked the switch off or back on again.  It doesn't truly matter.  I am back on track and that is what does matter.

I have read some really inspiring blogs over the weekend.  Thank you to everyone who writes and contributes.

Thanks especially to those that comment on my blog.. I confess to being a comment junkie!  I also know that my tendency to write multiple blogs each day probably is offputting...  but I find it helps me a LOT to stay on track that I can have an outlet for my thoughts as often as required!


Exercise plan....

My plan may have to change already!  Not the amount of exercise, just when it happens.

3 days core - yes
2 days C25K - yes
Doing to core work today when my muscles are screaming about yesterdays new exercises - maybe not

So my schedule will alter slightly (for this week only!)

  • Monday: rest (actually we are seeing Avatar again and will be home late so it works better anyway)
  • Tuesday: painting class then core work
  • Wednesday: rest
  • Thursday: C25K week 1 day 6 and core work
  • Friday: rest
  • Saturday: core work
  • Sunday: C25K week 1 day 7

Next week will be my 'normal' routine...  except I just realised something that I am quite sad about - I am going to miss my painting class!  I think it is a sign how much I love it that I just very seriously considered passing on my Mamma Mia ticket so I could paint!!

  • Monday: Core work
  • Tuesday: Mamma Mia Musical
  • Wednesday: Core work
  • Thursday: C25K week 1 day 8
  • Friday: Core work
  • Saturday: rest
  • Sunday: C25K week 1 day 9.

The twice a week C25K is a trial and excessive hip pain will bring me back to once a week.
As often as possible Mon - Fri I walk a few kms at lunch time. 
Core work includes sit up and push up 'challenges' as of this week (maybe I should call it 'floor work' instead)

Sunday, February 14, 2010

3rd set of core exercises for the week done!

3 core sessions this week! (Monday, Thursday and today)

I even added a few extra exercises to start building up other muscles...  might as well make the most of it!

One was an extra core exercise shown on TBL (Australia) on Fridays masterclass.  I am proud to say I am already doing the other 2 they demonstrated.

I have also added some crunches and pushups.

So in a few hours it is reward time as I do C25K week 1 for the 5th day!  (First day since last Sunday!).

Assuming pain stays low I will do it again on Thursday....    and of course this week will also include 3 sets of core/floor exercises.

Yes, I am proud of myself!

Exercise Envy!

This is a silly little blog..  I get exercise envy!

Due to my hip I HAVE to limit my cardio.  I need to really strengthen my hip before I work it too much.  Otherwise it flares up badly and can take weeks to settle down again.  I already do more than my physio approves of.  (I may have forgotten to mention to her that I am doing C25K... however slowly )

But I LOVE cardio.  I read about 5km runs, 1/2 marathons, triathlons, flights of stairs...  and I get cardio envy!

Which is a GREAT thing.  I WILL get my hip strong and then I WILL do all of those things!!!

Saturday, February 13, 2010

Saturday Night Ramblings

I had a 4 hour nanna nap this afternoon.  I vaguely remember ID (my dear husband) saying goodbye as he headed off to work.  Luckily he rang at 7:30pm and woke me - or I would have totally ruined any chance of sleep tonight!

I have been getting some wonderful comments on my blogs - thank you!  Rettakat gave me a link to one of her earlier blogs that really resonated.  It was very similar to a blog I wrote on another site about becoming what we think we are.

I strongly believe that we become what we think we are.

How many of you felt fat before you became fat?  I know I did.  An anorexic sister makes anyone of normal weight feel fat!  And before I knew it I was fat.

My life is full of things that happened because I believed it would, both good and bad.

I need to remember this power and think GOOD things!


*~ a repost from my old blog because I needed the reminder ~*

I am a bit of a Dr Phil fan.  I rarely watch the show, but I have read his early book....
What stood out for me was the fact that if you keep doing something that you 'know' you should not do there must be a 'pay off' for you.  A real or perceived benefit in that behaviour.
In the past I had perceived benefits for staying fat.  I thought that staying fat would keep me single which in turn would stop me getting hurt.  When exposed to the light of logic these 'benefits' dissolved.  Obviously fat people get into happy relationships.  And of course being lonely hurts a lot more than the hypothetical situation of being dumped or cheated on.
But obviously there are still benefits for me.  Otherwise I would have changed my behaviour.
So what are they?
Here is a bit of a brain dump, I am curious as to what will appear:

  • being able to eat what I want, when I want

  • being safe and familiar at this weight

  • having an excuse for any real or perceived underachieving

  • having a 'battle' to take part in

  • keeping my ego in check

  • an excuse for being unfashionable

  • None of these come close to outweighing the benefits of being slim....  why don't I give slim a trial run?  I can always get fat again if I hate being slim!

    Healthy Lifestyle Tip: The Power of Words

    Healthy Lifestyle Tip: The Power of Words
    Language is at its best when used to inspire others to find the best in themselves. Words create impressions, images and expectations which can influence our actions.
    "Good habits are as addictive as bad habits, and a lot more rewarding." ~ Harvey MacKay
    "If you really want to do something, you'll find a way. If you don't, you'll find an excuse." ~ Jim Rohn
    "Exercise: you don't have time not to." ~ Unknown
    "Act the way you'd like to be and soon you'll be the way you act." ~ Dr. George Crane
    "If your body's not right, the rest of your day will go all wrong. Take care of yourself." ~ V.L. Allineare

    Sunday, February 28, 2010

    Sunday Update

    Quick blog cos it is already 11pm and I have to go to work tomorrow.

    Food this weekend was fabulous, but not weight loss friendly.
    Dolphin swim a bit of a bust as the dolphins did not come out to play!
    DH has a new job starting tomorrow.
    3 days of blogs is way too much for me to catch up on, so apologies.  I will try to catch up over the next few days.
    Exercise also average as hip was really sore after flight and sitting on boat for 3.5hours.

    Back to WW and core work tomorrow!

    Hope you all had a great weekend!

    Friday, February 26, 2010

    Laughing at myself

    Firstly I am going away this afternoon for the weekend.  Yes it is the weekend I get to swim with dolphins!  I am so excited!

    Secondly I have realised how something I already knew about myself applies to my weight loss.

    When I do not have a strong opinion, or confidence in an opinion I have, or am unsure about a plan or approach I am easily persuaded.

    I am aware of it in other areas of my life.  Most documentaries and news articles can persuade me.  I can nearly always relate to a persons point of view.  In these 'other' areas I am aware of it and try to get more information before forming judgements.

    But I realised last night that what is happening with my weight loss approach is that every blog I read with a successful approach different to mine makes me doubt I am doing the right thing.

    The fact is that nobody plans to stray from their planned approach.  Some people never do stray.  Some people stray often.  The important thing is to keep coming back on track.

    So try to ignore my last few blogs.  And I will try to stick to my plan and not start doubting it.

    After all, I may only be in my 8th week this time around, but I am in my 20 year of weight loss attempts and this time I have lost 5% so far. That shows it is working.

    I KNOW what works and more importantly I KNOW what works for me.

    LOL I should read my own blogs.  I even blogged about it.

    So my goal is to stick to my plan.
    But if I have a 'learning experience' (or 5) along the way it doesn't stop me getting to my goal of a long, healthy, happy life as a slim and fit version of me.

    Sunshine Award

    Today I got my first 'blog award'!  Thank you Anne H at CARB TRIPPER!

    I would like to pass it on to the following 12 (It was hard to stop at 12 14!) people who bring sunshine into blogging for me (I have no idea if some of these people even read my blog LOL)
    Shelley at Shelley Shrinks

    Thursday, February 25, 2010

    Most Amusing...

    Ever since I wrote my blog about successful losers staying on track I have read a NUMBER of blogs by people I consider very successful who have bad days and even weeks!

    There you go.

    You can succeed without perfection.

    There is hope for me after all.


    What a difference a day makes (and then I got sidetracked and changed topics)

    Let me see... 

    • My tester is not overly upset at going home.  She loves Melbourne but was always aware that she could return to India at any time.
    • My DH has a 'second' interview tomorrow
    • I am back on track
    • My DH was able to get a copy of a gift voucher he misplaced so we can do the lunch without having to pay
    • I had lots of work to do this morning so the day has flown
    • I applied for a job this morning that finished the advertisement with 'leave work each day knowing you have made a difference' which is exactly what I am looking for.
    • My boss talked to me about where I will report and be located after June this year which makes me think I have a job for a little while longer here anyway

    It must have been just over a month ago that I was given a link to Sean Anderson's wonderful blog.  Something he wrote about in the past two days has really resonated.
    In 525 days he has gone over his allocated calorie allowance twice.  This time was an accident, he misjudged the calorie content of some food.  I assume the first time was too.
    Then I read other blogs.  I think back to the books I have read from people who have lost a lot of weight.  There is a common thread.

    From what I have read, the majority of people who lose weight and either keep it off or keep losing, have minimal or even NO days off plan.  Because this is LIFE not a diet you go 'on' or 'off'. 

    When I got to goal in 1998 I stuck to my WW points allowance every single week from start to goal.
    Lisa Delaney author of 'secrets of a former fat girl' is someone who has been at goal for 20 years from memory...  she had a mantra I adopted: It's not optional.

    Another common thread is simplicity.  No complex plans or potions.  Simple calorie limits and/or exercise commitments.

    In theory I have adopted these philosophies.  I have a simple WW plan to follow.  I have a simple exercise regime I have commited to.  I quote the 'It's not optional' approach.

    The reality is I mess with my exercise plan, try to do things I am not allowed by my physio and then I stop everything when I can't do as much as I want.

    The reality is I let many things be excuses for eating off plan.

    The reality is that if I keep having a day here and 2 days there off plan they will grow to a week here and a month there and before you know it I will be heavier than I started.

    The reality is that I need to LIVE my approach, not just blog it.

    The reality is that I don't FEEL that commitment right now.

    The reality is I can FAKE it until I FEEL it.

    The reality is that if I really want to be slim, fit and healthy I NEED to commit to this 110%. 

    Simple plan:
    Some exercise every day (floor work 3 times per week)

    It is NOT optional

    If I blog next week, next month, next whenever and use ANY excuse for not following this plan please feel free to refer me back to this blog.

    (And believe me the excuses are clamouring already.  They just got told to shut up!)

    Wednesday, February 24, 2010


    Firstly, an update on yesterdays blog:
    Whatever I needed became irrelevant shortly after I wrote that blog.

    Secondly, why it became irrelevant:
    I am really stressed.

    I manage a team of 7 people. 5 of those are employees of an Indian based company who are out here 'temporarily' to work on my team. Some have been here 3+ years, others 12 months.

    I love my team, they are a fabulous group. Hard working and fun. I think the 'love' is returned as my DH and my boss tell me that getting gifts from your team on your wedding anniversary is not common.

    (FYI: Of the other 2 in my team, 1 is with a different company and the other requested to return to India late last year. He is still part of my team, just working 'off-shore'.)

    It is cheaper for the company I work for to have the resources located in India.

    So yesterday I was told that to save money I had to send 2 more of my team back to India. I negotiated that down to 1 person, but today I had to decide who it was to be.

    Should it be the person whose father passed away 2 months ago who needs his Australian salary to send money home to keep his brothers in school? Should it be the person who just signed a new lease on a house and has a boyfriend over here? Or should it be the one who just moved his wife and 6 month old daughter to Melbourne? Or should the one with no ties be sent back just beacuse he has no ties?

    Of course the decision had to be based on the best person work wise. Not based on personal circumstances.

    This is the part of being a manager that makes me feel literally ill. I had to choose the one with the lease and the boyfriend. Her company will compensate her for the lease. And I know in the long term her parents will choose her a husband and she never planned 'forever' with her boyfriend. I feel sick, but she had the right mix of skills to be the one to go home. Agghhh!

    Thirdly, what happened next:
    I fought and argued.  With myself.  For hours.  I purchased a healthy lunch.  I went for a walk.  I called my husband.
    Then I ate chocolate, not a huge amount, but it was the mindless, trying not to feel component of the eating that bothered me.
    Then I read some of your blogs.  And got tears in my eyes.  You are such an inspiring group!

    Fourthly, what I should have done:
    Read the blogs BEFORE I ate.

    Lastly, what next:
    Track what I ate.  Learn.  Hope that it is my lucky week with the lottery and as a back up plan start thinking about how I can better manage these situations... because more of my team will be sent home soon...

    PS - added after the first comment was received... the team member will still be a part of my team, just located in India rather than Melbourne...

    Tuesday, February 23, 2010

    Unidentified Need

    I feel like I need something.

    I am not sure what it is though.

    And of course the 'fat me' keeps telling me to eat chocolate because "It satisfied all my needs in the past".

    Actually it didn't. It just stopped me working out what those needs were. If you eat enough chocolate for long enough you forget what it was you needed in the first place. The need is replaced by guilt and self loathing. The 'change' that was possibly needed is replaced by a need to get control of your eating.

    This time I am determined to work out what it is I need.


    Apologies for the self indulgent blog.

    And I warn you I think best by writing so there may be more as I try to work this through without turning to chocolate.

    Typical Day....

    I thought I would jump on the band wagon and post a typical days food and exercise...  given I am only a few weeks into my journey I don't expect it to inspire anyone!!

    I am not eating 'clean', vegetarian or anything, but I do try to 'tick' the healthy food options.  This is from Saturday.

    (all WW Points values are Australian)
    Breakfast (4.5 points):
    Go Natural Apricot Bar
    (ate at WW, WI is at 8am and I went straight to appointments after)

    Lunch (5 points):
    Salad with baby spinach, carrot, sweetcorn, cheese, lite ham, lite mayonnaise

    Dinner (5 points):
    Thai beef mango salad (recipe in earlier blog)

    Snacks (6.5 points):
    Gelativo (tropical) 1.5 points
    White Knight Choc Bar 2.5 points
    Curly Wurly 2.5 points

    Total 21 points

    Serves of:
    Fruit: 1/2
    Vegetables: 6/5 (makes up for fruit I guess)
    Lean Protein: 2/2
    Dairy: 3/4
    Fluids: 8/8
    Healthy oils: 2/2 (supplements taken daily)

    Floor work, including:
    20 pelvic tilts
    14 lying leg lifts (core engaged)
    14 prone leg lifts (core engaged)
    5 x 30 sec planks
    5 x 30 second side planks (each side)
    14 bridges
    Day 3 week 1 of 200 sit up challenge
    Day 3 week 1 of 100 push up challenge
    And a couple of other floor exercises I don't know the name of!
    I have stopped specific cardio while my hip settles.  Did some walking, but nothing specific.

    Monday, February 22, 2010

    Blogger and my work PC don't get along.

    I can type blogs, but I cannot cut and paste.

    I can sometimes type comments, I can sometimes post them issue free.. but mostly either the comment area doesn't open or if it does and I post a comment it then opens 100's of browser windows which I race to try and shut down as using task manager doesn't work.

    The issue? I have time at work to read your blogs and write my own that I just don't get at home.

    Anyway, that is my complaining done. Nothing I can do about it! I will have to start waiting until I get home to read your blogs and hope that not everyone I follow writes every day!

    Tracking well still.

    Hoping I will be OK with WW this weekend. We are going away and staying in a hotel so all food will be eaten 'out'. I can stick with my apricot and almond bars for the two breakfasts. The issue I find is because I have coeliac disease and have to eat gluten free I can be limited in options. But I WILL stay on track that weekend. Adelaide is a modern Australian city that I am sure will have lots of healthy gluten free options.

    The best bit? I will be swimming with dolphins!! I have wanted to do that for years and I finally am! I researched and chose a company that seems to really care for the welfare of the dolphins and does not 'chase' dolphin pods but instead lets them come to the boat if they want to play. Oddly they are also the only company to give you a refund if you do not get to swim with the dolphins. Oh and I checked - their wetsuits come in all sizes!!!

    Anyway, I have read your blogs even if I have not commented.


    Sunday, February 21, 2010

    What if you go off track?

    Again apologies if I am reblogging!  I read something that 'inspires' a blog and I just go for it!
    Everyone has different approaches to going off track.
    I have gone off track many many times in my WW attempts.  So I have tried to learn what works and doesn't work for me.

    Firstly what DOESN'T work for me:
    • Beating myself up
    • Calling myself names
    • Indulging in guilt
    • Trying to 'make up' the indulgence in the following days
    All of these tend to make me feel like:
    • I don't deserve to lose weight
    • I am a failure so I may as well give up
    • In my case trying to 'make up' the indulgence has a very specific response:
      • I feel like I am punishing myself
      • I feel 'deprived' at a time I am usually very vulnerable and emotional and need to remind myself just how much food I can enjoy on WW
    The end result is usually me staying off track

    What DOES work for me:
    • Learning from my detour
      • Why did I go off track?
      • What could I have done differently
        • In the lead up
        • At the time
    • Drawing a line under that day and going back to my allocated points allowance the next day
    • Forgiving myself
    • Reminding myself that
      • I am human
      • I am on a lifelong journey, not a race
      • That 1 bad day out of 7 is much better than 2, 3, 4 etc
      • That before WW I would 'indulge' daily not occasionally

    This usually results on me getting right back on track.
    What works for you?

    Saturday, February 20, 2010

    A WW Lesson Put Into Practice

    Today at WW we talked about all the steps that take us to our result on the scales.  Planning, shopping, cooking, eating and tracking.

    Today I really put that into practice.  Between cooking and eating I decided I was not happy to use so many points on the protein in my dinner (it was a double serve) and so cut half away before I put it on my salad.

    The cat is happy as she got 120gm of steak!

    I felt really good for 2 reasons:  I now have 3 points 'available' that would have simply made my dinner too filling, and I found a new 'stop' point.

    Last night I walked around the supermarket and did not get even a small chocolate treat because I did not trust myself in the chocolate aisle.  That was a good win since I went in to the supermarket having decided I was going to buy lots of chocolate and eat it while DH was at work.
    When I got home I ate 3 chocolate biscuits, but I had the points for that indulgence.

    Even doing WW and eating within my points I have some issues I think I need to address....

    Hoarding points: 
    I get stressed if I do not still have points available for a treat all the way until bedtime.  I rarely eat a treat that late, but I like to have the option.  I tend to save a couple of points per day for the first few days of my week and 'keep' those all week as a safety net.  I always eat all my points each week, often on a Friday night I have enough 'hoarded' for a mini feast.
    I get stressed if I do not have low point treats in the house to use these points on.
    I have tried eating all my points in my 'meals' and cutting out treats, but I don't stick to WW when I try that.

    Secret Eating:
    Even though I have the points available, I still have a tendency to 'secret eat' my treats.  I still feel guilty for having them.  I know I would not not stick to WW without them, that they are fine to eat within my points, that I make sure I have eaten my fruit, vegetable and protein serves before I have any treats, that there is NO reason for guilt.  But I still eat in secret.  I hide my 2.5 point chocolate that I buy with lunch between my laptop and the keyboard so nobody can see it.  I eat it quickly and with guilt rather than pleasure.

    I will work on these things.  The second bothers me more than the first.  But I think they are probably related.

    Is it that I am scared my treats will be taken away, that someone will tell me that I can no longer have them, that as long as nobody knows I eat them nobody will say 'no'?  Maybe...  my brain gets funny ideas sometimes.

    My Favourite Dinner

    The way I work my food is to have a range of options for breakfast, lunch and dinner that I choose from.  I am happy to add new things to my rotation, but I am a creature of habit so tend to stick to the same few.  I know the points values for each, and have them all written in a notebook.  If I have extra points to use I usually just increase the protein component.

    I thought I would share one of my all time favourites.  It is 5 points in Australian/UK Weight Watchers.  You can substitute chicken for the beef which tastes fabulous also.

    Thai Beef and Mango Salad

    POINTS=5 (Australian/UK WW)

    makes 1 serve

    120gm beef fillet steak
    40gm dry pad thai noodles
    1/2 cup bean sprouts, trimmed
    1/2 cup chinese cabbage, thinly sliced
    1 small carrot coarsely grated
    1/2 small cucumber cut into straws
    1/2 small mango sliced
    2 tbs mint, chopped
    2 tbs coriander, chopped
    1 tbs lime juice
    1 tbs fish sauce
    3 tsp sweet chilli sauce

    1. Heat a non stick frying pan coated with cookin spray to medium high.  Cook steak for 3 minutes on each side or until cooked the way you like it.  Remove from pan and stand for 5 minutes.
    2. Cook noodles according to instructions on the packet, then drain
    3. Thinly slice steak.  Combine in a bowl with noodles and remaining ingredients.

    Your own pace!!

    It bothers me when people feel they have to 'justify' the rate of loss they are having because people question them.  I often find myself doing it to.  

    So if you are getting 'questions' about your pace here is a couple of things that may help:

    The guidelines for maximum 'healthy' weight loss of 1-2lbs (0.5 - 1kg) per week assume that you weigh 200lbs (100kg).  It is based on 0.5 - 1% of your body mass each week.  
    It is only a guideline anyway...  but for those amongst us with more or less to love and who get told off about losing 'too fast' or 'too slow' you can maybe explain why it is actually healthy for you to lose faster or slower.

    If you are happily taking the journey slowly and enjoying the scenery as you meander to goal then tell them about the tortoise and the hare!
    Remind them that this is NOT a race it is a lifestyle.

    Basically, if YOU are happy that what you are doing is working and is sustainable then it is NONE of anyone else's business how fast or slow it happens!

    Hmmm, seems someone hit a nerve I didn't know I had!  

    WI Results

    Well in the past 2 weeks I have got rid of 2.3kg (5lbs).

    Which brings me to 5% lost and just 100gms short of 5kg lost!

    Very happy girl!!!

    PS - That also takes me under 90kg (200lb)!

    Friday, February 19, 2010

    We become what we think we are....

    I may be repeating a post here....  Sorry if I am.  I am passionate about this subject!  I can remember typing this but can't find the blog...  it is probably recent and I am just missing it!


    We become what we think we are.

    Our subconscious minds are very powerful and also very dumb.  They do not know right or wrong, good or bad.  They take what we say and think and bring forward related thoughts and words.  And actions.  Our minds assume what we think and talk about most is what we want most.  Oh and our mind doesn't pay attention to words like 'not'.

    I was told once (a long time ago) that our sub conscious mind is like a juke box.  We can choose what to play, but it is all there waiting.  Every single thing we have seen, heard, felt, tasted or smelt. 

    As a teenager my sister had anorexia.  I was a healthy 55kg (121lb) teenager.  She was a tiny 35kg (77lb).    I felt FAT.  I really believe that part of the reason I became fat is because I felt fat.

    In my 20's I got to goal at WW.  For many reasons I did not stay there and since then I have started WW many times but not stayed with it to get to goal.  Most times when I started I thought about the 'failures'.  Self fulfilling?  I think so.

    I can choose which of memories to 'play'.  I can choose the words and thoughts I use.

    Thoughts become words
    Words become actions
    Actions become outcomes

    What outcomes are your thoughts driving you towards?

    What self talk will you use today?

    I choose to remember the confident teenager, the person to who got to WW goal.
    I choose to focus on becoming a slim, confident, fit, healthy, sexy woman.

    The rest can get dusty in my memory banks :p

    The "Right" Approach

    I read a great blog today (by Tony @ theantijared) about how he has found what works for him (and it does!) and he is not going to be swayed to do anything different.

    I think that he has a very important point.

    We all know (or should!) that weight loss is a simple formula of calories consumed less than calories burned.

    But the best way to achieve that is a subject of much discussion and billions of dollars!

    My belief is that there is no single 'right way' to lose weight.  There are wrong ways for sure!  But there are a number of 'right' ways.

    The trick is to work out how you can best lose weight and keep it off long term.

    ~*~*~*~ please feel free to stop reading here, the rest is mainly for me, about what and why I am doing what I am doing.  It is probably complicated and boring to anyone else!~*~*~*~

    For me, I have thought long and hard about what I believe will work for me.  I am sure things will evolve as I go forward, but for now it is working.

    1. how much effort am I willing to put in
      • I need to be realistic.  I work full time and have at least 3 hours travel time each day on top.  I regularly need to work weekends and late nights.  Any plan I make needs to require minimal time and have lots of flexibility.
    2. what am I willing to do long term
      • I am not going to live forever without chocolate and biscuits.  I have coeliac disease and hate putting further restrictions on what I can and can't eat. 
    3. what is important to me
      • To me getting smaller, stronger and fitter are key.  I want to eat the foods I need to be healthy, but I also want to be able to eat out.  I love to socialise.
      • Losing weight fast is not important, being able to stick to a plan long term is.
    4. what motivates me
      • I am driven by achievement based goals.  Sticking to WW is NOT optional, but to start with I told myself just to get past 4 weeks.  I love following training plans like the C25K and the 100 push ups challenge.
    5. what has and has not worked in the past
      • I find I need to be allowed to eat whatever I want with a 'cap'.  I am a fan of capped plans!
      • I need to not 'borrow' from tomorrows food allowance.  That puts me off track immediately.  If I go over my allocation for that day I draw a line under it and start fresh the next.  I do try and 'save' from earlier days to allow for evenings out which works well for me.   I rarely need to draw that line
      • I need to exercise as well as change my eating for both good losses and mental health.
      • I need lots of protein to balance out my blood sugars and stop cravings for sugar a few hours after I eat.
    So what does that all mean? 

    It's not complicated (I need simple!)

    25 WW points per day and 3 lots of core work per week are my only 'rules' right now.

    ~*~*~*~*~ still reading?  it gets more boring! *~*~*~*~*

    I follow WW, but I have allocated an extra 4 points per day to my allowance (25 instead of 21).  This was based on an incorrect assumption actually (that UK WW points calculations were different to Australian), but it is working for me!  I will continue to monitor this, but while I am losing weight and not feeling deprived I am happy.  As my weight loss slows I can reduce points.  As a counter to this, I don't ever eat activity points.  So maybe it evens out anyway.
    I eat whatever I want within that points allowance.  I may eat a smaller, low point dinner so I have points left for a chocolate treat afterwards.  I base how many points of healthy food I eat on how badly I want treats.  I am quite happy to eat 3 low point healthy meals and lots of treats one day. The next I may want more 'real' food and less treats and so I adjust accordingly.  I have a book with a number of breakfast, lunch and dinner options at various point levels.
    I am trying to do the C25K but am restricted.  So I am working with my physiotherapist on core strengthening.  I can walk, but am meant to keep the distances short.  As per my earlier blog I may switch to a walking plan instead of the C25K.


    So that is what is working for me.

    Friday already?

    Well I have good news and bad news.

    I am tracking well and have done 2 out of this weeks 3 core sessions.

    But doing C25K last night inflamed my hip.  So I stopped.  And didn't cry.

    I am considering a slightly different tactic.  Walking instead of running.

    I will see how C25K goes on Sunday, but I have a feeling my hip is not going to magically improve between now and then.  So I might try a walking program instead.  I had one that was to build up to walking 15km.  But at this point 5km walking might be a good starting point while I keep strengthening my hip.

    I am quite devasted to be honest.  It thought my hip had been improving but it seems it was simply my inactivity allowing the inflammation to die down.  More core strength needed obviously.  After a few more weeks of solid core work I will go back to the physio to see what else I need to do.

    Anyway, enough of my falling apart body (thanks Dad by the way for the dodgy joints!  :p)

    WI is tomorrow and I am excited and scared.  What if last weeks 1.4kg loss was just dehydration?  What if it wasn't?  2 weeks ago I weighed 91.8kg.  That week I was bad and scales said 90.4kg.  This week I have been good, but last week may catch up with me!  Scale games!  The fact is this week I have been 100% on plan so regardless of the scales I am happy.  Every week on plan gets me closer to goal.  Every day, meal on plan gets me closer to goal actually!

    Today I really want to be at goal so that I can comfortably wear high heels!

    Today I am grateful:
    • For my DH
    • That footy season (pre season) starts today (Go Saints!)
    • For my cat who made me laugh so much last night
    • For my Mum who cooked me a lovely low point risotto last night
    • For love, laughter and happiness.

    Wednesday, February 17, 2010


    These are some photos of me near and at goal back in 1998.  I wonder if it is realistic to want to look like I did 12 years ago (only with better hair and eyebrows and clothes!!)

    Calorie Deficit?

    I was reading a blog today (apologies as I can't recall whose blog!) and they had been told they were not eating enough to lose weight.  This didn't surprise me, but the number of people commenting who didn't know this could be a problem did surprise me.

    I guess I learned the extreme of this process at an early age.  My sister had anorexia nervosa as a teenager and as part of that we learned about her body burning muscle instead of fat and also how her body quickly stored any extra food as fat once she began eating again.

    I have heard it called 'putting your body into starvation mode'.

    You can google many articles about this process.  But in my non technical speak: if your body thinks you are starving it stores fat and burns muscle in order to keep you alive longer.  It also slows your metabolism right down in order to make the stores it has last.  It's a very fundamental survival mechanism.  And like all our bodies 'mechanisms' some people are more efficient at this than others.

    What does that mean when we are trying to lose weight in a 'sensible' way?

    Basically that if we don't eat enough to stop our body from thinking it is 'starving' our weight loss might slow, stop or even reverse. 

    The 'right' amount of calories can change over your weight loss journey.  If you exercise a lot your 'net' calories may be reduced even if your eating stays the same.  As you build muscle your basal metabolic rate (BMR: how much you burn sitting doing nothing) might increase so you burn more even without exercise.  So what works today and has you losing a lovely weekly number may need adjusting over time.    

    And there is that 'balance'.  We all know that eating too much can also slow, stop or reverse your weight loss!  Also that if we do not change anything else as our body 'shrinks' it uses less energy to do most activities.  So this is not a blanket answer for slowing weight loss.

    There are many formulas for calculating the optimum energy in requirement for weight loss.  Many tools for measuring calorie burn.  Calculators for estimating your BMR.  But our bodies are not all made to an exact blueprint.  What works for Mary may not work for Joan.  Not for any 'reason' other than they are different.

    So if you are not happy with how your weight loss is going, if you are losing less than the recommended 0.5 to 1% per week, don't assume you are eating too much, don't automatically jump on the treadmill for extra 'burn'.  Instead consider increasing your calories.  If you try adding a few hundred calories per day for a trial period (remembering if your body has decided you are starving you may put on a little at first before your body decides it is safe to start letting go of fat) you may be surprised at the result.

    Oh and I do put my money where my mouth is when it comes to this - I eat slightly over the recommended WW allowance as I find it speeds up my weight loss.  Being only 6 weeks in this time around I am still working on getting that number right, but I know from past experience that I have a decent metabolism (oh yes, it took a LOT of calories to get to this weight) and my weight loss is very slow on the allocated number of 'points'.

    I hope this helps someone who is struggling with slowing weight loss.



    Had fun in painting class last night - although I have discovered painting still lives of fruit is NOT my forte! 

    On track with WW points.

    Did my floor work last night (including the situp and pushup challenges).

    I plan to go at lunchtime and get blood test form so I can get them done tomorrow morning. 

    Feeling a lot better than yesterday even though I still only managed about 6 hours sleep despite my good intentions.  Getting home at 9:30 and still needing to eat and exercise doesn't really allow for early nights!  Tonight should be easier.

    Read some fabulous blogs today.  I can't wait for my loss to get to the point where I inspire others.  I wonder what point that is?  20kg (44lb)?  My goal weight set by WW is just under 30kg (66lb) total loss.  But I may go further once I get there.  I wonder if it has to be 100lb + that you lose to be truly inspiring?  Or is it just coincidence that a lot of my favourite bloggers have lost so much?  Lol, yes I wonder about strange things!

    One of the benefits I have found of being diagnosed withh ADD is I feel I can now access and use all the knowledge I have piled into my head over the past 39 years.  It's a good feeling.

    All those 'practice' runs finally have a purpose.

    I advised someone today to think about the principles by which they want to live their life.  It made me realise that even though I spent time earlier this year determining the principles I wish to live by in my 40's, they are hidden in a blog somewhere and not something I refer to.  I think I will find them and print them out.  I may post them on my blog page too. 

    It is fascinating to have strangers reading my blog.  My 'other' blog is on a site I have been a member of for nearly 3 years so everyone knows me really well.  It's good strange.  It makes me think about how I represent myself.

    Today I am grateful:
    • For blogs
    • My wonderful husband
    • My happiness
    • Love
    • Weight loss and fitness


    Tuesday, February 16, 2010


    Totally on track.

    Excited about painting class tonight.

    But blogged out!

    I have not left comments today although I have been reading.  Partially it is a dodgy browser at works that randomly opens hundreds of windows after leaving some comments.  Partially it is just no words.

    So just to make the blog long enough to be worth posting, a list of things I am grateful for:
    1. My wonderful DH
    2. My family
    3. Happiness
    4. Love
    5. WW
    6. Blogs
    7. People who read my blog
    8. Weight loss
    9. Increased fitness
    10. Confidence
    11. Our cat who makes me laugh.

    Monday, February 15, 2010

    Thoughts and feelings

    As quickly as it swiched off two weeks ago, my motivation is 100% back on.

    My "It's NOT optional" mantra is fully engaged.

    My determination to get to goal is red hot.

    I am not putting timelines on my weight loss - one of my 'lesson's learned' from previous 'practice runs' - but I can't help but run through scenarios in my head...  if I lose an average 0.5kg per week for the 24 weeks until my 40th birthday I could be at my lowest weight in 12 years...  if I lose 0.5kg per week from now until Christmas I could be just a couple of KG's from a healthy BMI and my WW goal. 

    Last night I tore (yes, I was too eager to wait to find scissors!) out a picture and article of a girl who got to goal who is similar to my height and age with a similar body shape from my WW magazine.  She was wearing a stunning hot pink dress.  It is on the notice board in my 'gym' room at home.  Very inspiring.  Imagine if I could look as good as she does!!

    I am not sure what flicked the switch off or back on again.  It doesn't truly matter.  I am back on track and that is what does matter.

    I have read some really inspiring blogs over the weekend.  Thank you to everyone who writes and contributes.

    Thanks especially to those that comment on my blog.. I confess to being a comment junkie!  I also know that my tendency to write multiple blogs each day probably is offputting...  but I find it helps me a LOT to stay on track that I can have an outlet for my thoughts as often as required!


    Exercise plan....

    My plan may have to change already!  Not the amount of exercise, just when it happens.

    3 days core - yes
    2 days C25K - yes
    Doing to core work today when my muscles are screaming about yesterdays new exercises - maybe not

    So my schedule will alter slightly (for this week only!)

    • Monday: rest (actually we are seeing Avatar again and will be home late so it works better anyway)
    • Tuesday: painting class then core work
    • Wednesday: rest
    • Thursday: C25K week 1 day 6 and core work
    • Friday: rest
    • Saturday: core work
    • Sunday: C25K week 1 day 7

    Next week will be my 'normal' routine...  except I just realised something that I am quite sad about - I am going to miss my painting class!  I think it is a sign how much I love it that I just very seriously considered passing on my Mamma Mia ticket so I could paint!!

    • Monday: Core work
    • Tuesday: Mamma Mia Musical
    • Wednesday: Core work
    • Thursday: C25K week 1 day 8
    • Friday: Core work
    • Saturday: rest
    • Sunday: C25K week 1 day 9.

    The twice a week C25K is a trial and excessive hip pain will bring me back to once a week.
    As often as possible Mon - Fri I walk a few kms at lunch time. 
    Core work includes sit up and push up 'challenges' as of this week (maybe I should call it 'floor work' instead)

    Sunday, February 14, 2010

    3rd set of core exercises for the week done!

    3 core sessions this week! (Monday, Thursday and today)

    I even added a few extra exercises to start building up other muscles...  might as well make the most of it!

    One was an extra core exercise shown on TBL (Australia) on Fridays masterclass.  I am proud to say I am already doing the other 2 they demonstrated.

    I have also added some crunches and pushups.

    So in a few hours it is reward time as I do C25K week 1 for the 5th day!  (First day since last Sunday!).

    Assuming pain stays low I will do it again on Thursday....    and of course this week will also include 3 sets of core/floor exercises.

    Yes, I am proud of myself!

    Exercise Envy!

    This is a silly little blog..  I get exercise envy!

    Due to my hip I HAVE to limit my cardio.  I need to really strengthen my hip before I work it too much.  Otherwise it flares up badly and can take weeks to settle down again.  I already do more than my physio approves of.  (I may have forgotten to mention to her that I am doing C25K... however slowly )

    But I LOVE cardio.  I read about 5km runs, 1/2 marathons, triathlons, flights of stairs...  and I get cardio envy!

    Which is a GREAT thing.  I WILL get my hip strong and then I WILL do all of those things!!!

    Saturday, February 13, 2010

    Saturday Night Ramblings

    I had a 4 hour nanna nap this afternoon.  I vaguely remember ID (my dear husband) saying goodbye as he headed off to work.  Luckily he rang at 7:30pm and woke me - or I would have totally ruined any chance of sleep tonight!

    I have been getting some wonderful comments on my blogs - thank you!  Rettakat gave me a link to one of her earlier blogs that really resonated.  It was very similar to a blog I wrote on another site about becoming what we think we are.

    I strongly believe that we become what we think we are.

    How many of you felt fat before you became fat?  I know I did.  An anorexic sister makes anyone of normal weight feel fat!  And before I knew it I was fat.

    My life is full of things that happened because I believed it would, both good and bad.

    I need to remember this power and think GOOD things!


    *~ a repost from my old blog because I needed the reminder ~*

    I am a bit of a Dr Phil fan.  I rarely watch the show, but I have read his early book....
    What stood out for me was the fact that if you keep doing something that you 'know' you should not do there must be a 'pay off' for you.  A real or perceived benefit in that behaviour.
    In the past I had perceived benefits for staying fat.  I thought that staying fat would keep me single which in turn would stop me getting hurt.  When exposed to the light of logic these 'benefits' dissolved.  Obviously fat people get into happy relationships.  And of course being lonely hurts a lot more than the hypothetical situation of being dumped or cheated on.
    But obviously there are still benefits for me.  Otherwise I would have changed my behaviour.
    So what are they?
    Here is a bit of a brain dump, I am curious as to what will appear:

  • being able to eat what I want, when I want

  • being safe and familiar at this weight

  • having an excuse for any real or perceived underachieving

  • having a 'battle' to take part in

  • keeping my ego in check

  • an excuse for being unfashionable

  • None of these come close to outweighing the benefits of being slim....  why don't I give slim a trial run?  I can always get fat again if I hate being slim!

    Healthy Lifestyle Tip: The Power of Words

    Healthy Lifestyle Tip: The Power of Words
    Language is at its best when used to inspire others to find the best in themselves. Words create impressions, images and expectations which can influence our actions.
    "Good habits are as addictive as bad habits, and a lot more rewarding." ~ Harvey MacKay
    "If you really want to do something, you'll find a way. If you don't, you'll find an excuse." ~ Jim Rohn
    "Exercise: you don't have time not to." ~ Unknown
    "Act the way you'd like to be and soon you'll be the way you act." ~ Dr. George Crane
    "If your body's not right, the rest of your day will go all wrong. Take care of yourself." ~ V.L. Allineare